Charlie McDermott and Sebastian Stan - "Hot tub time machine" - deleted scene - Video


  1. Why on earth would they delete that scene?????

  2. There's a quick white brief sighting in episode 2 of Jessica Jones on Netflix. It's about 19 minutes in.

  3. Charlie McDermott (the actor) is a cold hearted, rude ass person. He doesn't care for fans or what they do for him. He has no respect for anyone but himself. He wants the money but no fans. If it wasn't for the fans he wouldn't be where he is today. Fans need to wake up and realize the real Charlie McDermott is just a snot nose punk that cares about nothing. Very Selfish!

  4. Where did this random commentary on Charlie McDermott come from? Can you please specify why you feel that way Rick C. Stories and examples please, otherwise we have no reason to understand your point of view.
